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Vorbereitung auf Abitur-Prüfung, Mathe-Abi, Statistik

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Preparation for the Abitur exam, math Abi, statistics
The Abitur is just around the corner and you are worried about your math and statistics skills? Don't worry, you are not alone. Many students struggle with these subjects and need support to prepare for the exams.

Statistical advice and data analysis Leonardo Miljko offers you the perfect support to prepare for your Abitur, maths and statistics exams. We offer tutoring in statistics and mathematics for pupils, high school graduates and students.
Our experienced statistics experts have extensive knowledge in these subjects and convey it to you in an understandable way. We offer tutoring for the basic course as well as for the advanced course in mathematics. We are also there for pupils who attend the Realschule, the night school, the Extraordinary Gymnasium or the Fachoberschule of the II.
Our tutors respond individually to your needs and help you prepare for the math and statistics exams. We also offer statistics and probability review support to help you better prepare for the exams.
You won't find boring lessons with us, but statistical experts with humor and patience who will help you to prepare for your exams. We also offer you a first contact with intuitive statistical software without programming knowledge to help you deal with data better.
Let us help you prepare for your high school, math and statistics exams. Contact us today for an individual consultation.
Tutoring in statistics, tutoring, Abitur exam, math Abi, statistics exam, mathematics basic course, mathematics advanced course, junior high school, night school, extraordinary high school, technical secondary school mathematics of the II. educational path
meta text:
Statistical consulting and data analysis Leonardo Miljko offers tutoring in statistics and mathematics for pupils, high school graduates and students in order to prepare them for their Abitur exams, maths Abitur and statistics exams
"Used Source: ChatGPT"
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