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Free online test 
Nowadays more and more people are burdened by the stressful everyday life and the associated challenges. These stresses can be both physical and psychological in nature and can manifest themselves in various symptoms such as anxiety, depression or burnout. In order to be able to act early and take appropriate measures, Leonardo Miljko, an expert in statistical consulting and data analysis, offers a free online test to record mental stress.
The test is based on the current scientific standards for recording mental stress and includes various questionnaires such as the DASS-42, BDI or BAI. By answering the questions, individual burdens can be recognized and appropriate recommendations for action can be given. The evaluation of the test is of course confidential.
The advantages of the online test are obvious: It can be carried out from anywhere in the world and at any time without having to make a personal appointment. In addition, the test is free of charge and can therefore be used by anyone who is concerned about their current mental state.
If you are also worried about your mental stress or just want to check your mental well-being, then use Leonardo Miljko's free online test now. With years of experience and expertise in statistical consulting and data analysis, you can rest assured that you are in good hands.
"Used Source: ChatGPT"

Test anksioznosti (BAI - Beck inventar anksioznosti)
Ovo je automatizirani test. Rezultat dobivate po emailu, odmah ako unesete Google email adresu sa: @gmail.com, odnosno u roku od 10-15 minute, za ostale email adrese.

Hvala lijepo.
Psihološko savjetovalište ProMente https://www.facebook.com/ProMentePsiholoskoSavjetovaliste https://www.facebook.com/groups/psiholoskosavjetovaliste
Statistical Agency Studio Leonardo https://www.facebook.com/groups/statistika.spss https://www.facebook.com/Statistical-Agency-100179141645805


Wichtiger Hinweis: Der Originalinhalt ist auf Kroatisch. Die Übersetzung ins Deutsche und Englische erfolgte über einen Web-Übersetzer. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Fehler.

Test depresivnosti (BDI – Bekov inventar depresivnosti)
Ovo je automatizirani test. Rezultat dobivate po emailu, odmah ako unesete Google email adresu sa: @gmail.com, odnosno u roku od 10-15 minute, za ostale email adrese.

Hvala lijepo.
Psihološko savjetovalište ProMente https://www.facebook.com/ProMentePsiholoskoSavjetovaliste https://www.facebook.com/groups/psiholoskosavjetovaliste
Statistical Agency Studio Leonardo https://www.facebook.com/groups/statistika.spss https://www.facebook.com/Statistical-Agency-100179141645805


Wichtiger Hinweis: Der Originalinhalt ist auf Kroatisch. Die Übersetzung ins Deutsche und Englische erfolgte über einen Web-Übersetzer. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Fehler.

DASS 42 test - kombinirani test depresije, anksioznosti i stupnja stresa kod osobe.
Ovo je automatizirani test. Rezultat dobivate po emailu, odmah ako unesete Google email adresu sa: @gmail.com, odnosno u roku od 10-15 minute, za ostale email adrese.

Hvala lijepo.
Psihološko savjetovalište ProMente https://www.facebook.com/ProMentePsiholoskoSavjetovaliste https://www.facebook.com/groups/psiholoskosavjetovaliste
Statistical Agency Studio Leonardo https://www.facebook.com/groups/statistika.spss https://www.facebook.com/Statistical-Agency-100179141645805


Wichtiger Hinweis: Der Originalinhalt ist auf Kroatisch. Die Übersetzung ins Deutsche und Englische erfolgte über einen Web-Übersetzer. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Fehler.