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- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: ToS
- Hits: 8168
Linguistic differences
There are always language differences, especially when translating content. The content in Croatian is considered authentic and original, even if the translation differs.
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- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: ToS
- Hits: 15814
Website Usage T&Cs
We welcome you to our website.
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- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: ToS
- Hits: 8671
Data protection
1. Data protection at a glance
General information
The following information provides a simple overview of what happens to your personal data when you visit our website.
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- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: Privacy Policy
- Hits: 15706
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- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: ToS
- Hits: 8035
ToS - Terms of Service
Usually, a written contract for a scientific service is concluded between the company "Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis Leonardo Miljko" (contractor)
Usually, a written contract for a scientific service is concluded between the company "Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis Leonardo Miljko" (contractor)
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- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: ToS
- Hits: 23817
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Statistische Beratung und Datenanalyse Leonardo Miljko gew.
Zum Alten Hofgarten 21,
94405 Landau an der Isar
94405 Landau an der Isar
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- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: ToS
- Hits: 16460
- Details
- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: Privacy Policy
- Hits: 16977
If you wish to tell other people that you are working with a statistical consultant, that is entirely your prerogative.
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- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: ToS
- Hits: 15660
The Statistical Agency has copyright over this website and its content.
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- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: ToS
- Hits: 7840
Disclaimer liability for content
As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with general law in accordance with Section 7 (1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG).
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- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: ToS
- Hits: 8348
About me: A statistical consultant for data analysis
Hello everyone! My name is Leonardo and I'm a computer scientist and an absolute statistics nerd. I am a member of MENSA www.mensa.ba and www.mensa.de , INTERTEL of USA www.intertel-iq.org , CATHOLIQ www.catholiq.org .
Data and numbers have always accompanied me professionally and my reputation as a computer scientist and statistics nerd quickly became known among my colleagues, which led to many requests for statistical assessments and advice. I can now look back on more than 15 years of experience in this field.
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- Written by Statistische Daten Analyse - Leonardo Miljko
- Category: Privacy Policy
- Hits: 20925
Our Work Ethics and Privacy Policies