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I was hopelessly looking for assistance with my dissertation after having a bad experience with another company (they were unreliable and unprofessional) I interviewed a number of businesses where both an editor and statistician were offered and found Statistical Agency. 
The statistician and editor I worked with were both amazing. They were experts in their craft as well as supportive throughout the process. They were both fast to respond to questions and upfront about costs. I very much wish I found them sooner as they are great with deadlines and checking in with me about my own deadlines. Lastly, I will be defending my dissertation research with the help of my statistician who will ensure I am prepared to explain all my data. This is a one-stop shop. 
I highly recommend Statistical Agency, Studio Leonardo for anyone working on his or her dissertation.

Jacquelyn A., 
Pacifica Graduate Institute

Thanks, Leo,

I read through my dissertation and I'm exceptionally pleased with all you did. You have helped me understand the results and how to explain them. I'm pleased to find out that my dissertation adds to the body of knowledge.
I will keep you updated and will surely recommend you to anyone in need of your services.
A thousand thanks!

„Genial, dass es Euch gibt – eine perfekte MT-Unterstützung (vor allem, wenn die Zeit und Nerven nicht mehr ausreichen, alles selbst zu machen). Herzlichen Dank “

Angelika M. /  Mär.2020 / Nicole K., Masterarbeit

Hello Leo,

I am so impressed with the quality of work. 
I wish you could have shared in my excitement when I opened and reviewed the work. I leaped quite high and I'm no small chick. 
I have referred several friends to you and hopefully you will be hearing from them soon. I will read the entire paper and get in touch if I have any questions. 
Thank you so very much.  

Kind regards
Richard M.

„Vielen Dank für die rasche Erledigung. " ... "Vielen Dank. Das Geld war gut angelegt."  ... "Tolle Arbeit! Auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert!" 

Maximilian D. / Jul 2020 / Nach der Analyse und Darstellung geostatistischer Daten

„Sie haben uns eine Menge Zeit gespart" ... „Sie haben mir unglaublich geholfen und ich bin dankbar, dass Sie so viel Geduld mit mir hatten!“

Chris S. / Mai 2021 / Nach der statistischen Betreuung einer medizinischen Doktorarbeit


I hope this email finds you doing well.  I am writing because I don't think I ever properly thanked you for the amazing work you did for me to help me finish my dissertation.  I am truly thankful.  I will be able to help many veterans and their families with the wellness clinic I will be opening in the summer.  
I would have sent a thank you card but it just didn't seem like it was enough. It hasn't come to me yet of what I can do, but I will do something special for you besides referrals.
You were a blessing to me and I thank you!

Dear Studio Leonardo,
I would like to thank you for all your support. 
My dream will come true because of you. You are a very reliable and amazing person, no doubt about that. If I need any help I not hesitate to contact you. I have informed and spoken highly to my colleagues about you. 
Kind regards
Richard M.

„vielen Dank für Ihre ausführliche Antwort und Ihre wirklich sehr gute Arbeit!“

Juergen C. / Feb.2020 / Nach der statistischen Analyse von Daten aus der Politikwissenschaft

My Statistical Agency - Studio Leonardo consultant ...
... was my "statistical mentor" for my online faculty and student surveys sent to over 100 undergraduate writing programs at diverse institutions. She provided invaluable assistance in helping me refine my survey questions so that they would read more professionally and produce findings that would be valid and convincing. 
... my consultant also helped me understand the implications of my survey’s findings so that I would not understate nor overstate them. I consider (my consultant) an extremely valuable resource to graduate students engaged in analytical research projects that achieve high confidence ratings and are replicable. Every graduate student or professor engaged in research that I have talk with appreciates my consultant's expertise and her abilities to help students succeed. We are fortunate to have her and Statistical Agency

Sarah, a Doctoral Student

„Sehr geehrter Herr Leonardo Miljko,

vielen Dank für eure tolle Arbeit! Ihr habt mir so viel Stress erspart und ich bin unglaublich froh, dass ich zu euch gefunden hab!“

Simone T. / Apr.2021 / Bachelorarbeit

Leonardo provided indispensible assistance to me with the statistical analyses required to finish my dissertation research. He instantly grasped the goals of the research design and explained in an understandable fashion how the statistical analyses should be structured to support those goals. His work was impeccable in every respect; he provided thorough, accurate finished products very promptly and his fees were quite reasonable. I strongly recommend him to anyone in need of statistics expertise.

Omar Wayne, a Psychiatrist

Hello Leo,

This work is wonderful! You have truly gone above and beyond what I had thought you would do. I am truly impressed by your statistical analysis.
Thank you so much for your fine services. I can assure you that our research relationship will continue.


"Leonardo M. was very helpful to me during preparation of my DOD grant that included tumor studies." ... "Reviewers are particularly concerned that the sample size will be sufficient to answer the experimental question being addressed, and professional help with an accurate power analysis was very valuable." ... "They were available, and the work was consistently excellent." ... "I would recommend their services without hesitation."

Andrew Blake Ph.D. / Jul 2019 / Tumor studies

„sie sind mein Lebensretter!“

Stefan D. / Sep.2021 / Nach einer statistichen Power-Analyse im Bereich der Humanmedizin

"The books you sent us! Plain language for non-english speakers, chapters really well presented, explanations step-by-step mixing theory and a real analysis… How worthy are the materials you sent!"

Jean-Jacques Moolman / Mar. 2020 / OnLine Course: Structural Equation Modelling using AMOS

„Meine Professorin war begeistert!“

Peter K. / Feb.2021 / Nach der Entwicklung kleinerer Skripte für ein Industrieunternehmen

„Sie haben uns eine Menge Zeit gespart" ... „Sie haben mir unglaublich geholfen und ich bin dankbar, dass Sie so viel Geduld mit mir hatten!“

Chris S. / Mai 2021 / Nach der statistischen Betreuung einer medizinischen Doktorarbeit

"Die Formatierung von Herr Miljko haben mir EXTREM geholfen. Vielen Dank. Das Geld war gut angelegt."

Rebecca K. / Aug.2021 / Nach der Mitarbeit an einem medizinischen Fachartikel

Studio Leonardo

As always, your analysis is crystal clear and timely. I do not understand why there is not a federal law mandating that you be the only one in the country to perform statistical analysis :)
When I get to the paper submission stage I will contact you for whatever more work you suggest be done for the editor.
Thanks again!

Best regards.

„Sie haben uns eine Menge Zeit gespart" ... „Sie haben mir unglaublich geholfen und ich bin dankbar, dass Sie so viel Geduld mit mir hatten!“

Chris S. / Mai 2021 / Nach der statistischen Betreuung einer medizinischen Doktorarbeit

„Vielen Dank für die rasche Erledigung." ... "Genau so habe ich mir das vorgestellt.“ ... „Sie haben mir unglaublich geholfen und ich bin dankbar, dass Sie so viel Geduld mit mir hatten!“

Claudia K. / Sep.2021 / Nach der statistischen Betreuung einer medizinischen Doktorarbeit

„Wirklich wirklich herzlichen Dank! 

Katharina P. / Mär.2021 / Diplomarbeit

"When we have need for statistical advice or analysis for any Clinical Research anywhere in the world, there is only one person I call.” … “Leonardo has provided us outstanding service for the last 3 years.” … “Reliable, prompt and willing to explain. Always a pleasure to work with."

Mark L.C. / May 2020 / Clinical Research

Thank you for the analysis and results. I appreciate your professionalism, and your thoroughness.
I communicated with at least six different local and internet statisticians, and even though one wasn't cheaper, overall, your experiences and your attention to detail that I saw from the quote you sent to me, confirmed to me that I should utilize your services.  I will recommend you to other graduate students in my cohort that are considering hiring a statistician, and I know I will contact you again in the near future for other assistance.
Thank you again for your assistance and we will be in touch!


I wanted to personally thank Studio Leonardo (Statistical Academy) and its staff for the tutoring services you have supplied for me through my experience in graduate school. I now have a better understanding of educational research with the help of Studio Leonardo (Statistical Academy). With the assistance of the staff at Studio Leonardo (Statistical Academy), I am also able to have a better understanding of research methods. To Studio Leonardo (Statistical Academy) and its staff, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your services are incredible and I would recommend Studio Leonardo (Statistical Academy) to any persons interested in tutoring and any other statistical interests.

Michele Simmons, PhD

University of North Texas

„Besser geht es nicht.“

Kupfer R. / Jul 2020 / Nach der Mitarbeit an einem medizinischen Fachartikel

I just wanted to say thank-you so much for your help with my thesis. 
Every step of the way you were professional, efficient, and completed the work within the narrow time-frame I asked. If I didn't have your help I know that I wouldn't have been able to complete it on time. 
Not only was your work impeccable, but you were also able to give me clear explanations about the decisions you made. I would highly recommend your service to anyone who is having trouble with stats. Not only will you receive first-class help, but you will also gain a better understanding of the decision-making process specific to your analysis. It was money well-spent, and I would happily spend it again if I found myself in the same situation. 

Thanks again Leonardo, 
I can't recommend you highly enough. 

A very happy student. Cindy D.

„vielen vielen vielen Dank!“ ... „ich wollte mich nochmal ganz herzlich bei Ihnen bedanken, für Ihre schnelle und vor allem sehr pünktliche Arbeit“

Alexandra S. / Nov.2020 / Nach der statistischen Betreuung einer psychologischen Doktorarbeit

"I really like your constructive teaching style and the way you directly tackle all the questions. You created a group climate that encouraged everyone to ask questions (even those that may be hestitant to do so). You obviously know what you are doing here. Cool course!" ... "Despite being taught online, this felt like a real in-person classroom session, with lots of opportunity for questions." ... "The piecewise modelling example will be so useful for my research."

Corne Bodenstein / Jul 2020 / OnLine Course: AMOS Modelling

„vielen Dank! Ich werde Sie meinen Kommilitonen weiterempfehlen, sie werden sich vor Aufträgen nicht retten können.“ ... „Wirklich wirklich wirklich herzlichen Dank!"

Stefanie F. / Jan.2021 / Nach der statistischen Betreuung einer medizinischen Doktorarbeit

"Das Feedback von Herr Leonardo hat mein Vertrauen in meine Arbeit gestärkt."

Christoph W. / Sep.2021 / Nach der statistischen Betreuung einer medizinischen Doktorarbeit

„ich bin sehr begeistert von ihrem ausführlichen Ergebnisbericht“ ... „Wirklich wirklich herzlichen Dank! 

Anna S. / Jul 2020 / Nach der statistischen Analyse von Daten aus der Politikwissenschaft

Lehrer für AMOS

„Ich hatte Nachhilfe im Bereich Statistik/SPSS/AMOS für mein Psychologie Studium. Es war eine sehr gute Erfahrung. Er hat ein sehr umfassendes Wissen zu diesem Themen, hat mit Geduld erklärt, ...“

Thomas B. / Feb. 2021 / Course AMOS

„herzlichen Dank für die schnelle und unkomplizierte Beantwortung unserer noch ungeklärten Fragestellungen“

Claudia K. / Sep.2020 / Nach der Analyse einer Panelstudie

Brilliant, just what I needed.

Researcher, Ana G.B.,  
St. Mark's Hospital,

„Danke nochmals für die tolle Hilfe! Ich bin so froh, dass ich euch gefunden habe!!!" ... "Kann das gar nicht oft genug sagen. “

Sylvia G. / Jul 2020 / Masterarbeit

"It is really difficult to teach statistics, and you do that cleverly, I am really grateful!" ... "All in all I found this course extremely useful and really appreciated the skillful teaching provided."

Julian D. / Sep. 2020 / Training Courses: Multilevel Modelling using SPSS

„Wir wurden insbesondere von unserem Kunden für die beeindruckende und ausführliche Auswertung des Projektes sehr gelobt.“ ... „Gerne würden wir Ihre Dienste für ein weiteres Projekt in Anspruch nehmen.“

Florian G. / Mär.2021 / Nach der statistischen Betreuung eines psychologischen Experiments

„Sie haben uns eine Menge Zeit gespart" ... „Sie haben mir unglaublich geholfen und ich bin dankbar, dass Sie so viel Geduld mit mir hatten!“

Chris S. / Mai 2021 / Nach der statistischen Betreuung einer medizinischen Doktorarbeit

... thanks once again for such super work, ...
... you'll be at the top of my list the next time I need stats.

Consultant, Gary M.W., St. Mark's Hospital, Harrow.

„Meine Kollegen und Kunde sind sehr zufrieden“ ... „vielen vielen vielen Dank!“

Dominik K. / Jan.2021 / Nach der statistischen Aufbereitung von Daten für ein Jahrbuch

Lehrer für SPSS

„Leonardo Miljko ist sehr kompetent mit sehr hoher Servicequalität. Er hat mir anhand der Daten nicht nur neue Erkenntnisse geliefert. Seit der Stunde ist Statistik sehr interessant geworden.“

Evgeniya A. / Aug. 2020 / Course SPSS

„Vielen Dank für die rasche Erledigung. "  ... „perfekt, vielen Dank“

Dominik M. / Okt.2021 / Nach der statistischen Betreuung eines Revisionsprozesses

Statistical Agency

I must command you for the outstanding job on my PhD dissertation. Your knowledge and expertise has made me a returning customer.
Also I really appreciate you working with my budget restrictions.


You are outstanding! 
You are very easy to communicate with and respond extremely quickly. Everyone who works with you can see that you are very knowledgeable in your field - an expert. You have made my life tremendously easier. 
Money well spent. 
My expectations were not only met, but were beyond exceeded. 
I am forever grateful!! 
Gary H. Wilson

I want everyone to know what kind of person you could work with.
That said, my experience with Leonardo is amazing! My statistical analysis that was needed for my dissertation was out of the ordinary. Not to say that your dissertation is not as complex or detailed as mine, but what I had to do was so detailed, long-lasting, and some of my committee members think that there are actually two or three dissertations in one. When I first asked Leonardo to look at his chapters and see if he could work with something like what I had to do, he said that. 
So I tell you, if you need help in your dissertation, he's going to the guy! It's not just for t-tests, ANOVA, but for complex statistical analysis. And trust me, you want it because you never know if your statistical data will have to change due to the requirement of basic assumptions. He makes adjustments and justifies your committee to see it. I want you the best with your dissertation and if you read this, that's because you need help. I recommend him 110% :)

Jacquelyn S.

"It has been a great experience to work with Leonardo and his team.” … “I really appreciated the dynamic exchange with Leonardo around planning and design of the most appropriate statistical analysis plan to enable efficient completion of our study once data collection was finalised.” … ”They performed both standard and advanced and explorative statistical modelling impeccably."

William P., Intesive Care Unit, NY / Feb.2019 / Planning and design of the statistical analysis plan

„Die Begleitung/Hilfe bei der Datenauswertung hat mir einiges an Arbeit und Nerven erspart. Ich würde euch zu 100% weiterempfehlen! 1000 Dank!“ ... "Vielen Dank. Das Geld war gut angelegt. Tolle Arbeit! Auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert!"

Kohlbeck S.B. / Jun 2020 / Masterarbeit

“Leonardo, from Studio Leonardo Statistical Agency, is both professional and personable, with great attention to detail and strategic thinking. He manages to fit seamlessly into any project and work with any team.” … “He is hands on and willing to go the extra mile to make sure deadlines are met timeously and that his output consistently meets quality standards.” … “He is a delight to work alongside, and is always an invaluable part of our team.”

Werner J.Frost / May 2018 / Multiple projects

"I highly recommend them as they are welcoming of researchers from across the disciplines."

Steven C. Cramer, M.D., Professor of Neurology / Dec. 2018 / Reliability measures and effect-size analysis

The service provided by Studio Leonardo - Statistical Agency was excellent, he advised me on the best way to present and analyse my data and came back with a comprehensive report within a few days. 
The work he did was extremely good value and of a very high standard, I would thoroughly recommend him to anyone struggling with statistical analysis.

Mildred, HR Manager, 
Multi National Chemical Company.

„Ich glaube, Sie haben mir heute Morgen tatsächlich einen Bereich der Statistik näher und vor allem verständlich gemacht.“

Carina.F. / Dec.2020 / Nach der kurzfristigen Analyse von Laborparametern

Statistical Agency's work on my dissertation went above and beyond my expectations. He was thorough, quick, always available, and the quality of his work was exceptional. What I absolutely admired about Leonardo is that he always took the time to explain everything in full detail (especially since statistics is not my forte) and he was honest and direct. My dissertation committee was highly impressed and I passed with flying colors. In fact, I passed with no modifications. I would recommend Statistical Agency - Studio Leonardo to anyone!

Jude, a Doctoral Student

Bio sam izgubljen u potrazi za pomoći sa mojom disertacijom, nakon lošeg iskustva s nekim drugim tvrtkama (bili su nepouzdani i neprofesionalni). Razgovarao sam s više tvrtki i pronašao Statistical Agency - Studio Leonardo.
Oni su bili pozitivno iznenađenje. Oni su stručnjaci u svom poslu, kao i podrške tijekom cijelog procesa. Svi su brzo odgovarali na pitanja. 
Drago bi mi bilo da sam ih pronašao puno prije.
Preporučujem statističkoj agenciji Studio Leonardo za svakoga tko radi na svojoj disertaciji.

Lijep pozdrav,
Ivan V.

„vielen Dank für die extremst gute Arbeit“

Celina J. / Jan.2021 / Nach der Analyse und Darstellung geostatistischer Daten

Lehrer für IBM SPSS

„Leonardo ist super - er ist kompetent und hat mir viele hilfreiche Tipps gegeben. Sein Input war sehr wertvoll für mich und ich würde ihn wieder buchen und unbedingt empfehlen!“

Viktoria S. / Mai 2020 /Course SPSS